Modules Description

This document will drive you through the architecture of Optcom.

Simulation Framework

The Layout, Domain, Field and Component are the building blocks of Optcom’s optical system simulation framework.


Fields represent an electric or optical signal. The object Field can contain multiple channels and save the values of the electro-magnetic field envelopes as well as other physic’s characteristics. Moreover, a variety of helper functions are available for Field objects.


Components represent electric or optical physical block such as laser, fiber and so on. There are two types of components in Optcom. First, StartComp which create a Field object and can launch the simulation. Second, PassComp which receive Field objects, transform it, and pass it along to the next component. A component is composed of ports.


The domain contains information, i.e. physic’s parameters, that will be shared by all components.


A Layout allows to build a system by connecting the components to each other via their ports. Moreover, the Layout is managing the propagation of the Domain and Fields through the system.

Simulation Tools


The Constraint objects represent constraints that the layout must comply whith while propagating Field objects in the Layout.


The Effect object represent electric / optical effect that can be used to define equations.


The Equation object is used to define equations that need a numerical solver and which describe the Field object transformation in a component.


The Parameter object is a standalone object which can be used as a helper object. It describes a physic’s parameter such as the refractive index.


The solver object is used to numerically solve the Equation objects.